i am back to indonesia with bunch of stress with me now :)
yeah i really have stress for first time of my life :P (don't laugh at me ok)
winda the girl with "never mind every things gonna be ok" now stress just because of searching for job at malaysia!!! (my friends will laugh at me till roll on the floor now) ok just wanted to have better life than look for job at overseas not to far and not to near malaysia my choice (become promoting)
ok been few days in here only today got something can push the stress out from my head for a while (if i say while mean 2-5 min only)
guess what i say pretty girl with pretty dress and with the make up artis where (can say) every 10min checking her make up, her dress, her hairs and etc
but wait2 while i look at her properly i saw something funny
she wear sport shoes!!!!
me n my friends laughed till gila!!!
wat the *&%$ she wear so nice dress so nice everything perfectly
but when saw her leg huahahaha... sport shoes
i took the pic but for some reason i can't post it hiks (that stupiak USB la)
i promise while the USB find i will post it and we will laugh together
remind me as well ok...
have a wonderful night people and pray my stress will go faster and get the job faster as well
it's 1.11 am now and i going to sleep
( been 3 days not sleep enough)
pls pray for me...