Tuesday, September 18, 2007

something that we should remmember

i have nothing to say and have nothing to post

every day i just look at my pc and make some research for my assignment, and make

me to start thinking

about life ...

what is life about?

sad, laugh, cry, sacrifice, satisfied, get something, lose


it's reality about life. but their's one thing that we should remember.

"don't ever waste your time, fill it up with a good things, if you lose or lost something

WAKE UP and start it again,it's doesn't mean end of your life if you lose or lost, don't

ever think about given up, minimum your negative thinking, but do it positively as

maximum as you can,

god given

you a good life and good places, so use it for goodness not for badness and

thing before you do something, not before you do something thats is the correct way

to reach your goal!!!


hope that people understand what i trying to talk about....

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